AI Training, Consulting and Implementation Services

Hello—I’m Damien Cheney. From first steps and foundational training to pilot programs and scaling solutions, I guide businesses towards sustained AI success.

Learn, Pilot & Scale AI. Your business is waiting.

Training & Consulting to help you

Decipher AI

  • What is AI? The jargon and the bird’s eye view.

  • Common applications and use-cases.

  • Popular tools.

  • Market trends.

  • AI’s potential in your business.

Master The Fundamentals

  • Master the art and science of “prompt engineering” with proven templates and frameworks.

  • Apply this foundational skill across popular tools and high impact use-cases.

Write with AI

  • AI is a powerful writing assistant.

  • Emails, reports, articles, presentations—any writing task— can be sped up, and improved.

  • This skill alone, integrated across a business will yield immediate gains.

Enhance Marketing

  • AI design tools are reshaping workflows, enabling designers content teams to increase adn improve output by multiples.

  • Digital campaign management and creative processes are being transformed with AI.

Enhance Sales

  • AI can give sales teams an edge.

  • Researching prospects, script writing, pitch presentation, follow-up…AI can help in these and many other key parts of the sales process.

Boost Productivity

  • Teams empowered with foundational AI skills, will naturally elevate company productivity.

  • AI carries enormous potential to automate repetitive and burdensome tasks.

  • By up-skilling teams, and integrating AI powered tools, unprecedented productivity gains can be achieved.

    • A 60-minute strategic consultation for business leaders (and their teams) seeking a clear starting point.

    • I will assess your current AI readiness

    • Provide a focused overview of essential AI concepts

    • Explore your business needs

    • And recommend potential high-impact AI use-cases

    Key Takeaways: You will leave with essential AI knowledge, a solid grasp of AI’s potential in your business and with a clear menu of next steps.

    Preparation: You will fill in a short questionnaire to help me prepare and conduct the session as efficiently and effectively as possible.

    Investment: $200

    Contact me to book your consultation:


  • Tailored presentations and training to empower teams: from foundational to advanced.

    • Key AI concepts and definitions

    • Typical AI use-cases

    • Market trends

    • Tools Overview

    • Specific Tools Trainig

    • Prompt engineering (Beginer to Advanced)

    • AI for Writing

    • ‘AI in the Office’: Word processing, Spreadsheets, Slide Presentations)

    • And more.

    Contact me to discuss a tailored presentation or training program for your team.


  • Custom AI Roadmapping: Developing tailored AI adoption strategies based on a thorough "pains and gains" analysis to identify specific challenges and opportunities within your business.

    Ongoing Consulting: Continuous engagement to help steer, coach and evaluate your program as you scale with AI.

    Done-for-you Services: Implement AI tools and systems to power marketing, content production, analytics and process automation.

    Contact me to discuss a tailored approach within one or a combination of these streams.


How I Can Help

10+ years as agency director, now a new horizon with AI

I experienced firsthand the rise of digital marketing—from dark art to marketing mainstay. Helping steer an agency through each new digital wave was a lesson in adapting to opportunity (with some other lessons thrown in).

Now, AI is here, and the parallels are difficult to ignore. Unshackled from agency life, I dedicate myself to deciphering AI: the benefits, the risks, its best uses and tools.

I do the homework so my clients don't have to.

If you’re ready to start your journey with AI, book a discovery consultation.

Or dip your toes first by signing up to my newsletter below.

Get In touch

And let’s discuss your first step.


Or dip your toes in first.

‘The Node’ is my no BS AI newsletter. It offers simple, actionable and timely advice to help busy professionals like you successfully join the dots bots.